Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de plough

to plougharar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I ploughyo aro
you ploughtú aras
he ploughsél ara
she ploughsella ara
we ploughnosotros aramos
you ploughvosotros aráis
they ploughellos aran
they ploughellas aran

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I ploughedyo aré
you ploughedtú araste
he ploughedél aró
she ploughedella aró
we ploughednosotros aramos
you ploughedvosotros arasteis
they ploughedellos araron
they ploughedellas araron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have ploughedyo he arado
you have ploughedtú has arado
he has ploughedél ha arado
she has ploughedella ha arado
we have ploughednosotros hemos arado
you have ploughedvosotros habéis arado
they have ploughedellos han arado
they have ploughedellas han arado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had ploughedyo había arado
you had ploughedtú habías arado
he had ploughedél había arado
she had ploughedella había arado
we had ploughednosotros habíamos arado
you had ploughedvosotros habíais arado
they had ploughedellos habían arado
they had ploughedellas habían arado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will ploughyo araré
you will ploughtú ararás
he will ploughél arará
she will ploughella arará
we will ploughnosotros araremos
you will ploughvosotros araréis
they will ploughellos ararán
they will ploughellas ararán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have ploughedyo habré arado
you will have ploughedtú habrás arado
he will have ploughedél habrá arado
she will have ploughedella habrá arado
we will have ploughednosotros habremos arado
you will have ploughedvosotros habréis arado
they will have ploughedellos habrán arado
they will have ploughedellas habrán arado

I would ploughyo araría
you would ploughtú ararías
he would ploughél araría
she would ploughella araría
we would ploughnosotros araríamos
you would ploughvosotros araríais
they would ploughellos ararían
they would ploughellas ararían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have ploughedyo habría arado
you would have ploughedtú habrías arado
he would have ploughedél habría arado
she would have ploughedella habría arado
we would have ploughednosotros habríamos arado
you would have ploughedvosotros habríais arado
they would have ploughedellos habrían arado
they would have ploughedellas habrían arado

Participio presenteAnotado
ploughing arando

Participio pasadoAnotado
ploughed arado

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